Photography Tutorials

Essential Photography Skills For Beginners

Top 10 Professional Photography Tools

In this article I’m going to reveal the tools that myself and other professional photographers have successfully used to become not only better photographers, but also to become better business owners.

Obviously there are hundreds if not thousands of different tools on the market that you can use to get the job done, but what I hope is that this list is insightful whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional.

How To Set Up Studio Lighting For Product Photography

In this tutorial, I’m going to outline how to set up studio lighting for product photography that can be replicated from the comforts of your own home.

In order to create a photograph like the one shown here you will need to have access to certain resources, but with that said you don’t need to go out and spend your hard earned savings on new photographic equipment.

How To Use Actions In Photoshop To Increase Your Productivity

One of the most power features in Photoshop is “actions” and if you’ve never heard of actions before don’t worry… Essentially actions provide a means for automating menial, repetitive tasks and processes within Photoshop, which in effect increases your productivity.

Out of the box, Photoshop already comes with a set of default actions that you can experiment with, but where the really power lies is in creating your very actions based on what your needs are as a photographer.

How To Get Perfect Exposure Using Your Histogram

Now, it goes without saying that to be truly successful in photography, one must master the art of exposure or at least have a fairly good understanding of how it all works.

The exposure is the foundation on which your entire photograph is built, so you want to make sure that you get it right from the beginning.

How To Make A Watermark In Photoshop

As a photographer, one often finds the need to watermark their photographs to not only protect them from piracy, but to also help promote and market their business through the exposure a photograph might receive be that online or off.

Whether or not you choose to watermark your photos is entirely up to you, but even if the need never arises, the ability to create your very own watermark is definitely a skill set you should have as a photographer.